The Stephen Harrison Academy was founded upon the inspiration of Ray Harrison. Ray Harrison was the 1985 World Paraplegic Snooker Champion and Paralympic gold medallist. Ray was a stellar sportsman who loved snooker, he travelled the world competing in snooker tournaments and growing grassroots disability snooker everywhere he went. Ray recognised the enormous good playing snooker can have on the lives of those with disabilities and/or in wheelchairs. The sport provides an accessible yet technical game to master as well as providing important social opportunities that greatly benefit the lives of the people that get involved.
In memory of Ray Harrison his son, Stephen founded SHA with the aim of growing grassroots snooker and improving the accessibility of the sport so that everyone can play and reap the massive rewards of playing snooker. With this mission in mind SHA hosted the 2013 UK Wheelchair Snooker Championships. This tournament was a resounding success. With the success of championships and the inspiration of Ray Harrison, SHA continues to be devoted to our mission to provide events and services for wheelchair users to play and compete in our great sport.

"It's great what Steve's doing for disability snooker, as a player I would like more tournaments, I think what Steve's doing for the game is fantastic."